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PVOL user list

There are currently 502 users with full access.

ID Full name Affiliation Country
a Albert Bosch Agrupació Astronòmica de Sabadell Spain
aa Andres Alonso Spain
aad Asociacion Amigos de la Astronomia Spain
aastro Auro astro
ab Alberto Berdejo Spain
abe Andre Bernasconi Italy
abi Alessandro Bianconi Italy
abu Andrew Bundschuh Australia
acasely Andy Casely Australia
acassese Andre Cassese Sorgues France
acastro Alberto Castro España
acidadão1 António Cidadão
aco Alan Coffelt Atlanta Astronomy Club USA
ad Andrea Dan Italy
ads Alberto Di Stazio Italy
ae Agapios Elia Cyprus
aelia Agapios Elia Cyprus
af Alan Friedman x
afi Alexandros Filothodoros Astronomical Observatory of Zielona Gora , Poland Poland
afilothodoros Alexandros Filothodoros
afleckstein Andre Fleckstein Deutschland
afrantzis Alexandros Frantzis Greece
ag Antonio Gallardo Asociacion astronomica Cielo del Guadaira , Red Andaluza de Astronomia Spain
agarbelini Antonio Garbelini Junior Brazil
agarcia Antonio Jose Garcia Lastra España
age Almir Germano Brasil
ah A hatanaka japan
ahaavisto Ari Haavisto Astronomical association URSA r.y. Finland
ak Akira kazemoto japan
akochergin Anton Kochergin The Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russia
akovacs Andre Kovacs
al Antonio Lasala Spain
alastra Antonio José Lastra España
am Antonello Medugno Italy
amac Angel Marreo Corujo Agrupacion Astronomica de Gran Canaria (AAGC) Spain
amaniero ANDREA MANIERO Italia
amj Aleksander Morgado Juez Spain
amm Alex Masmiquel Mendiara Spain
an Andre Nikolai Germany
aobukhov Alexander Obukhov MSTU STANKIN Russia
ap Al Paslow Mingo Creek Park Observatory USA
apa Alexei Pace Malta
areyes Antonio Reyes España
asanchez Albert Sanchez Spain
ashikhaliev Arthur Shikhaliev Ukraine
asl Agustin Sanchez Lavega GCP, UPV-EHU Spain
asoares Avani Soares
at Andrea Tasselli x
ataskinen Antti Taskinen Finland
av Alain Vadet x