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There are currently 503 users with full access.
ID | Full name | Affiliation | Country |
sy | Seiichi Yoneyama | japan | |
ta | Tomio Akutsu | Japan | |
tal | Tom Alderweireldt | MPC 145 | Belgium |
tb | Thomas Brull | x | |
tba | Trevor Barry | Broken Hill Observatory (Broken Hill NSW) | Australia |
tboutoille | Thierry boutoille | France | |
td | Tom Dobbins | x | |
tew | Thomas E. Williamson | USA | |
tgarrel | thierry garrel | france | |
tguillot | Tristan Guillot | OCA | France |
th | T hayashi | japan | |
tha | torsten hansen | Germany | |
thino | Takafumi Hino | $item.affiliation | Japan |
thl | Thierry Legault | France | |
ti | Toshihiko Ikemura | Japan | |
tk | Tim Khan | USA | |
tku | T kumamori | japan | |
tm | t mishina | japan | |
tn | t nonoguchi | japan | |
to | Tiziano Olivetti | Italy | |
tp | Tim Parker | USA | |
ts | T saitou | japan | |
ttr | Troy Tranter | Australia | |
tw | Tom Wilson | USA | |
twilliamson | Thomas Williamson | USA | |
twl | Tan Wei Leong | x | |
umeiling | Uwe Meiling | Deutschland | |
va | Vittorio Amadori | Italy | |
vdella | Vincenzo della Vecchia | U.A.I. Planetary section | Italy |
vgonzalez | Vicent Gonzalez | ||
vmd | Valmir Martins de Morais | Centro de Estudos Astronômicos do Cariri - CEA Cariri | Brasil |
vn | Vitor Nunciatelli | CASP | Brasil |
vpsang | victor PSang | ||
vshah | Vinay Shah | India | |
vvalente | Vincenzo Valente | italy | |
vvalente1 | vincenzo valente | Italia | |
wamaral | Wagner Amaral | Brazil | |
we | Wolfgang Egarter | Austria | |
wg | William Giotto | Brazil | |
wj | Wayne Jaeschke | USA | |
wk | Willem Kivits | Netherlands | |
wpereira | wellington pereira | Brazil | |
wpillet | William Pillet | France | |
xdupont | Xavier Dupont | ||
yg | Yuri Goryachko | bielorrusia | |
ygoryachko | Yuri Goryachko | Belarus | |
ygu | Yu Gu | United States | |
ylegall | Yann Legall | ||
yo | y okamoto | japan | |
zchow | zhiwei chow | China |