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PVOL user list

There are currently 503 users with full access.

ID Full name Affiliation Country
sy Seiichi Yoneyama japan
ta Tomio Akutsu Japan
tal Tom Alderweireldt MPC 145 Belgium
tb Thomas Brull x
tba Trevor Barry Broken Hill Observatory (Broken Hill NSW) Australia
tboutoille Thierry boutoille France
td Tom Dobbins x
tew Thomas E. Williamson USA
tgarrel thierry garrel france
tguillot Tristan Guillot OCA France
th T hayashi japan
tha torsten hansen Germany
thino Takafumi Hino $item.affiliation Japan
thl Thierry Legault France
ti Toshihiko Ikemura Japan
tk Tim Khan USA
tku T kumamori japan
tm t mishina japan
tn t nonoguchi japan
to Tiziano Olivetti Italy
tp Tim Parker USA
ts T saitou japan
ttr Troy Tranter Australia
tw Tom Wilson USA
twilliamson Thomas Williamson USA
twl Tan Wei Leong x
umeiling Uwe Meiling Deutschland
va Vittorio Amadori Italy
vdella Vincenzo della Vecchia U.A.I. Planetary section Italy
vgonzalez Vicent Gonzalez
vmd Valmir Martins de Morais Centro de Estudos Astronômicos do Cariri - CEA Cariri Brasil
vn Vitor Nunciatelli CASP Brasil
vpsang victor PSang
vshah Vinay Shah India
vvalente Vincenzo Valente italy
vvalente1 vincenzo valente Italia
wamaral Wagner Amaral Brazil
we Wolfgang Egarter Austria
wg William Giotto Brazil
wj Wayne Jaeschke USA
wk Willem Kivits Netherlands
wpereira wellington pereira Brazil
wpillet William Pillet France
xdupont Xavier Dupont
yg Yuri Goryachko bielorrusia
ygoryachko Yuri Goryachko Belarus
ygu Yu Gu United States
ylegall Yann Legall
yo y okamoto japan
zchow zhiwei chow China