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Object Saturn
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File size 467.0 KB
URL s2023-09-28_11-40_685nmIR_tba.gif
Observer Trevor Barry
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Comments: Imaged Saturn September 28th targeting a CM transit of the long lived Southern red spot. These data cover 2 hrs 20 min of Saturn rotation, the first 20 minutes provided very good data but then the seeing dropped off just a little. The long lived Southern red spot is resolved through the entire transit; also a bright spot dark spot pair are resolved on the edge of the North Polar Collar. These have been persistent for much of this apparition but require good seeing to resolve them. Detail resolved in these data. A bright spot at approx Lat+64.3 L3 206.1 resolved in IR and R data. A dark spot at approx Lat+62.9 L3 214.4 resolved in IR data. The long lived Red spot at approx Lat-55.6 L3 277.8 resolved in IR data.

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Observation 1
Feature(s) N/A
Filter(s) 685nmIR
Date 2023-09-28 11:40:00
Julian day 2460215.986111111
System I 110.72345°
System II N/A
System III 276.63593°
Illumination 99.9%
Phase angle 3.200000047683716°
Solar longitude 40.8°
Eq. diameter 18.57″
Derotation 0.0 min