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Object Saturn
Image type image
File size 191.0 KB
URL s2022-06-11_18-30-12_b_tba.png
Observer Trevor Barry
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Comments: Imaged Saturn June 11th my first data since May 8th due to an inordinate amount of rain and cloudy weather combined with the effects of a dose of COVID 19. Have quite reasonable 685nm IR data but then cloud started to moved in and the R, G and B data became progressively softer as the signal dropped off during the 18 minutes required to capture that data, so a very much abbreviated capture session. Note the quite large amplitude ripple on the EZ / Neb border right on the F limb.

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Observation 1
Feature(s) N/A
Filter(s) b
Date 2022-06-11 18:30:12
Julian day 2459742.2708333335
System I 116.83159°
System II N/A
System III 314.99957°
Illumination 99.8%
Phase angle 5.300000190734863°
Solar longitude 25.9°
Eq. diameter 17.57″
Derotation 0.0 min