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Object Jupiter
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URL j2021-08-07_14-51-54_r_tba.png
Observer Trevor Barry
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Comments: This morning after receiving the alert from Chris Go of his discovery of a Methane bright spot below the GRS I was keen to see if I had also captured the Methane bright outbreak. As it turns out I have it well resolved in CH4 24 minutes prior to Chris with it also being bright in 685nm IR and visible in R, G, B and RGB. I had previously captured the precursor to this outbreak in IR , R, G, B and RGB on August 2nd. Imaged Jupiter August 7th in fair to good seeing targeting the passage through the GRS hollow of the two compact squashed bluish ovals that I had imaged August 2nd just prior to them entering the GRS hollow. Both of these compact bluish ovals are well seen in these data, particularly so in RGB. I have included a 150% resample of the GRS which has been sharpened further and have marked the two compact ovals have also marked the compact bright spot which was also there in my August 2nd data and from which the outbreak captured by Chris in Methane emerged.

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Observation 1
Feature(s) N/A
Filter(s) r
Date 2021-08-07 14:51:54
Julian day 2459434.11875
System I 74.84937°
System II 337.32352°
System III 157.38828°
Illumination 99.9%
Phase angle 2.799999952316284°
Solar longitude 45.5°
Eq. diameter 48.74″
Derotation 0.0 min