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Object Jupiter
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File size 537.0 KB
URL j2019-06-10_14-26_685nmIR_tba.gif
Observer Trevor Barry
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Comments: 685nm-Pass IR data. Jupiter at opposition. Very hi-res particularly the downstream structure from the material ejected from the eye of the GRS.

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Observation 1
Feature(s) N/A
Filter(s) 685nmIR
Date 2019-06-10 14:26:00
Julian day 2458645.101388889
System I 103.95936°
System II 266.57074°
System III 236.8307°
Illumination 100.0%
Phase angle 0.20000000298023224°
Solar longitude 338.9°
Eq. diameter 45.95″
Derotation 0.0 min